Horse Society supports Operation Ragwort
British Horse Society (BHS) has pledged full support to Warwickshire
County Council and its 'Operation Ragwort' initiative. Running from
12 - 30 July, in conjunction with the Highways Agency and timed
to link in with the BHS' own 'Ragwort Action Week' (19 - 25 July),
'Operation Ragwort' will involve displays in Stratford, Rugby and
Warwick informing members of the public on the dangers of Ragwort
to grazing animals, particularly horses. The County Council is also
making available a Ragwort Hotline (01926 412515) and email address
(Ragwort@warwickshire.gov.uk <mailto:Ragwort@warwickshire.gov.uk>)
for the public to notify them of Ragwort hotspots.
council claims that actively controlling Ragwort within the county
is becoming cost effective and it has been able to reduce its budget
by £6,000 from last year. Warwickshire County Highways Operations
Manager, Neil Clark, said, "Support from the public by identifying
Ragwort hotspots gives us an idea of the scale of the problem and
means we can target our operations more efficiently."
Chief Executive, Graham Cory, commented, "This initiative is
to be applauded. It involves the community with the local council
and produces tangible benefits all round. The council can reduce
its budget, the ratepayers feel the council is using their money
efficiently and it helps to protect horses from the dangers of ingesting
Ragwort, a highly toxic plant that can prove fatal if ingested."