ILPH Honours Loyal
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At the official opening last
week of Penny Farm, the new ILPH equine recovery and rehabilitation centre, Nr.
Blackpool, HRH The Princess Royal presented an Award of Merit to a loyal ILPH
Corinne Roberts, 44, from Darcy Lever, Bolton
received this special ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses)
award for the dedicated work that she has done over the last two years with
rescued and abandoned horses and ponies.
For that period, at the request of Chris
Williamson, ILPH North West Area Field Officer, she collected and cared for
numerous equines that were traumatised or too sick to travel the long distances
to the nearest ILPH centres in Herefordshire or Norfolk.
Two of these cases needed around the clock
care as they collapsed on arrival at her stables. She managed to nurse both
back to health balancing their needs with those of her two school aged
children, as well as her business commitments.
Comments Chris Williamson,
"If it hadn’t been for Corinne’s hard work and dedication taking
in and caring for our welfare cases in this area that were too weak to travel,
I don’t know what we would have done. She has been a real star
Registered Charity No. 206658