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Exam Passed For WEG
Results: CAI-A & CCI***
Jerez Will Host The FEI Bureau Meeting
They Have Said....
Mike Tucker, Course Designer Jerez 2002
Enrique Sarasola
New Location For Jerez 2002
WEG Tickets Already On Sale

Twelve months ahead of the Jerez 2002 WEG, the Organizing Committe of Jerez 2002 marked the beginning of the final count down by staging two successful test events.


Juan Robles, from Spain won the Four in Hand test event in Jerez KIT H.

September 2001: twelve months ahead of the Jerez 2002 WEG, the Organizing Committee of next year's World Equestrian Games in Jerez de la Frontera, in southern Spain, marked the beginning of the final count down by staging two successful test events. An International Driving Competition (CAI-A) and an International Eventing (CCI**) took place in two separate weekends of September in the very same venues that in less than twelve months time will host the biggest equestrian event of the history: seven world champion-
ships held in the same place at the same time. The test events were staged with the primary goal of testing facilities, tuning the organization, training the staff, and in this regard both events turned out to be very successful and the Organizing Committee fully passed the exam. Appreciation and encouraging comments came from the many foreign guests (officials, riders, trainers, national federation's delegates, members of the press) who, unanimously, expressed their confidence for next year's event.

In the CAI-A, Bousquet from France achieved his first ever International victory and Juan Robles Marchena from Spain won the Four in Hand. In the CCI**, Didier Dhennin from France obtained the final victory.


Didier Dhennin on the cross country at Garrapilos venue. KATE HOUGHTON

In the CAI-A Frederic Bousquet from France achieved his first ever International victory, by winning the Pairs ahead of Magdalena Abecassis from Portugal and Sebastian Sabater Espolet from Spain. "This was a very good event and I wish the best of luck to the organizers for next year's World Championships", said the winner. Juan Robles Marchena from Spain won the Four in Hand class confirming to be the number one driver in Spain and a very strong contender for next year's WEG. Robles left behind both French drivers competing in this class: Patrick Rebulard in second place and Louis Basty in third.
Eighteen riders in total (from Australia, France and Spain) competed in the CCI** which saw the final victory of Didier Dhennin, member of the French cavalry troup 'Cadre Noir', riding his eight year old mare Fine Fleur V Ene HN. In second place, also for France, Eddy Sans with Ecile, followed by the Australian combination Sam Griffith and In the Grove (who led after dressage).
). Best of the Spanish competitors was Coby Bolger who ended in sixth place. She has high hopes to see the Jerez Stadium at Chapin again next year with her horse Sergeant Pepper II that is already qualified for the World Championship. While the driving test event suffered from very high temperatures and bone dry conditions, the eventers found the opposite. On cross-country day water bucketing down for hours, though, didn't affect the ground prepared by course designer Mike Tucker and his Spanish-british crew. Riders were surprised how well the ground stood although none came out without time penalties. Safety of the horses is a paramount issue in eventing and the test event was the ideal occasion also to verify all safety measures which need to be taken for next year. Francisco Abad from Spain, member of WEG 2002 Veterinary Committee expressed all his satisfaction at the end of cross-country day: "We had a perfect test!". The competition at Jerez was also welcome opportunity for FEI Veterinary Manager Frits Sluyters to gather 55 veterinarians, mostly from Spain, to discuss veterinary standards and FEI regulations. A main focus was the term "fitness to compete" which is often interpreted differently. The forum used video tapes from the first and the last inspection to compare changes in movement, if any.

Riders were tested under the IOC rules for uot-of-competition dope testing and the results from tests were all negative

A nice atmosphere, smiling faces and the awarness that preparations for WEG 2002 are well in shape accompanied the final day of the second test event

During the CCI** the FEI, in cooperation with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Drug Free Consortium, arranged for dope testing of riders the day before the competition began. Riders were tested under the IOC rules for out-of-competition dope testing and the results from tests were all negative.
A nice atmosphere, smiling faces and the awarness that preparations for WEG 2002 are well in shape accompanied the final day of the second test event when riders, horses, officials, foreign delegates were cheered by FINO, WEG's official mascot, who took the opportunity to make his joyful appearance. A perfect ambassador for WEG, FINO is expected to travel a lot in the next few months to 'personally' invite the whole world to Jerez in September 2002 .

The International Equestrian Federation will hold its annual Bureau meeting in Jerez, from 19 to 22 November.

The International Equestrian Federation (FEI), which is chaired by HRH Princess Pilar de Borbon, will hold its annual Bureau meeting in Jerez, from 19 to 22 November. The Bureau is the senior FEI body, composed of representatives from the FEI and the official disciplines included in the World Equestrian Games.
On this special occasion, Jerez 2002 Organising Committee will act as host at the venue of the next Championships, where a coexistence meeting is planned, as well as a number of meetings and sessions for the exchange of views on the forth coming major event. Thanks to Jerez 2002, the Federation´s members, who have a direct line of communication and hold frequent meetings with the OC, will be able to discover first hand all the virtues of Jerez, and see the progress of the sporting venues.

Officials, riders, trainers and national federation´s delegates said that preparations for WEG 2002 are well in shape.

Secretary General of the FEI.- "I am absolutely thrilled with the venues, especially Garapillos. I must admit that when I last came here, at the beginning of summer, I was sceptical about the footing at Garapillos, but now I can easily say that the organizers have done a fantastic job and I am really confident for the organization of the World Games in 2002. Spanish people have proved with the Test Events that they are fully ready to face the great committement which is needed to put together what is considered the biggest equestrian event in the world".

Coach for the American eventing team.- "Amazing how far the organizers have come since have been here last in February. I like the setting and the course is fabulous. I'm afraid, though, that there won't be a lot of room around the D-Box, the start and the finish line. Things will get crowded here next year, when we deal with more horses and people"

Deputy Mayor of Jerez City Council.- "This test has given us the priceless opportunity to verify what we have been doing in the last years and to test the staff. I think everything turned to be very good. There are a few things that have to be adjusted but I feel that we can be satisfied for what we have achieved till now. There is a nice atmosphere around the Games. People from Jerez need to understand the magnitude of the event and the impact it will have on the town. Jerez will present itself to the world through this event".

Sports director of the Spanish Equestrian Federation.- "I am impressed with the venue at Garrapillos and I must admit that I expected preparations less advanced than they are. From the Spanish point of view I think this will be a great opportunity for our sport to be promoted and I hope that after WEG all installations prepared will be kept in use for our sport".

Technical Delegate for Eventing.-"I am pleased on the results of this test event and at the same time I am very happy that the Organizing Committee decided to run this competition. I think that they put great effort this time and, from my side, I have to comment only on a few details".

President of the Ground Jury of the CCI**, on the event and his suggestions for 2002.- "It was a very good test in the worst conditions possible and things look positive for WEG, even though we had the dressage on what will be the exercise area next year. I have only very few recommendations for improvement next year. I didn't need to put additional tests onto the organizers as I had planned to do. Everybody was in full control and knew what to do. That also showed when we needed the horse ambulance because one horse went lame on the road and tracks".


Course designer driving marathon.- "I think it was very useful to stage this Test Event. I am sure that all of us feel now more positive and stronger in preparations for next year".

Coach for the Australian eventers, cross-country course.- "When I was here last year, Garrapilos was a paddock with grass. Now it looks like it will be a great venue for next year".

General Manager of Jerez 2002.- "It was good to see that in general competitors and International delegates where satisfied with the installations and facilities. From my point of view this test event was very useful to tune my team and to get to know which might be our weak aspects. I have a notebook full of notes. These Test Events gave us the precious opportunity to put in practice what we have been planning for the past years".

Team vet for the Dutch driving team, on the weather conditions in Andalusia.- "I have monitored the conditions several times during the eventing test event and we never came close to dangerous humidity levels that we all feared in Atlanta. Being close to the coast means that there is always enough wind to cool the temperatures down sufficiently".

Spanish National Champion in Four in Hand.- "Being from Jerez it means a lot to me that the World Equestrian Games are going to be hosted in my hometown, and I am very proud that the whole world will be here to experience what I believe will be a great event" .

"All facilities are very good and the organization is excellent. I am really looking forward to take part in Jerez at my fourth World Equestrian Games in a row".

"One of the challenges was linking the course for eventing with the one for driving..."


Mike Tucker, Course Designer. KATE HOUGHTON

... on his preparations for the event: "I have been working on this project for two years now, and have been here at Jerez several times. One of the challenges was linking the course for eventing with the one for driving. I have been working very closely with Arjan Brink from the Netherlands who builds the course for the drivers. We plan to use three to four fences for both competitions".
... on the outlay of the cross-country course:
"It was all bushland where the two water complex are situated now. They are both completely manmade after we have cleared some bushes and pruned the large trees. That is how we achieved this parklike setting. Over 18 months we have spent three months building time on the waters alone".
...on the workforce needed for building and maintaining the course:
"I work with the team from Badminton which is basically Allan Willis and two sons who also have been at Sydney before. They work closely with the Spanish team. The planting of the track has been delayed until June and the grass has come very nicely since then. It will be much better next year. One of the big tasks has been the laying of the irrigation pipes. We needed around five kilometers".
....on the upkeep for next year: "We need to put special attention on the track, not only because we need roughly 3000 meters more for the WEG competition. It will be important to plant very soon to avoid differences in the old and the newer surfaces".

Sarasola and Dope Doux won in Pau the first bronze medal in the history of Spanish Eventing.


Enrique Sarasola, optimist

Enrique Sarasola was unable to take part in the trial event organised by Jerez 2000 last September, because a few days later he was committed to representing Spain in the European Championships, held in Pau. The rider from El Espinar was fully fired up for a competition that was to be Dope Doux's first major outing after being injured in Sydney. The outcome could not have been more positive, with Sarasola and Dope Doux winning the first bronze medal in the history of Spanish Eventing.
After his success, Enrique Sarasola told us "since I bought Dope Doux I was convinced that this horse had the potential to win medals, and at last we've done it. After his injury in Sydney he was out of action for two months, but during the one-day events in England last year it became clear that he was set to show something special. And it happened at the European Championships".

" Naturally, Enrique is thrilled with his French horse. "He has a huge amount of energy, and does everything at full pelt. He's a real bull of a horse".
About the Championships, Enrique Sarasola stresses that "of those I've competed in, this has probably been the best result I've had. Michelet has done a great job combining old style jumps with other narrow ones that are very complicated.
There was a risk of making and error at any of the jumps, because the course was set up for professionals, for riders who can keep their concentration from the beginning to the end. The cross was quite similar to what they've done at Garrapilos. It's fairly flat but rolling".
Enrique Sarasola considers that "this result is a good sign and is a big boost for our morale in the run-up to Jerez 2002. I was already pretty optimistic, because everyone I see is mentally very well prepared, keen to do well and there's a really good atmosphere in the team, co-ordinating well with one another. But after this result, I'm even more encouraged, as you can imagine. Dope Doux is a horse with the potential to be among the very best at Jerez".
As for the rest of the team, Enrique Sarasola feels that "the most positive thing has been Beacon Hill coming on board-a great horse capable of doing great things in the hands of Santiago Centenera. At Pau they made a couple of errors that I put down to them still getting used to each other.
Ramón was unlucky in being drawn as the first to start and Iván Buezo has got a great horse, and we hope he recovers from the injury that stopped him from finishing at Pau."
From now on, Dope Doux will follow a specific training schedule for the Jerez World Championships. "Our preparation will be similar to what we did getting ready for Pau. I don't think that we'll be competing in any more three-day events until Jerez 2002. We'll go to England to train and compete in a few one-day competitions there, between five and seven, I expect.
That way we'll keep risks to a minimum and it's been shown that with that kind of preparation the horse will be at full strength and raring to go at such an important event for us as the Jerez World Championships".

The Organizing Committee headquarters moves to the heart of the Games.


New location for Jerez 2002 E. CORRALES

Jerez 2002 Organizing Committee headquarters, situated until now at Calle Bizcocheros, 2, moved last Monday 29th October to the Equestrian Complex of Chapin to control the organizing process of the event from the very heart of what will be the little town of the World Equestrian Games.
The new location for Jerez 2002 is situated just behind the old Social Club of Chapin, currently under works. It consists on a modular structure of about 750 m2 where the seven operation areas, into which the Organizing Committee is divided, will be settled: Sports, Communication, Logistic, Technology, Infrastructure, Commercial and Administration.
The new address of Jerez 2002 Organizing Committee is Sporting Complex of Chapin. Avenida del Polo s/n. 11405 Jerez (Spain), will keep the same telephone (+34 956 326 739) and fax (+34 956 326 744) numbers, and e-mail address (
This will be a temporary location until works of the administrative building for the OC are completed. This building is being built close to the Main Stadium. From this new location Jerez 2002 will experience many of the big moments: the sale of tickets; the commercialisation of the stands; the welcoming of new sponsors; the promotional tour of Fino, etc.

Tickets reservation already available in the Internet. You can make bookings via the Games´official portal

Season tickets and tickets for Jerez 2002 are now on sale. Thanks to the Internet, those who want to be sure of getting seats for the Fourth Edition of the World Equestrian Championships can make bookings from anywhere in the world via the Games' official portal (
Any queries can be addressed to or sent by fax to the technical office of the Organising Committee (955036849).
Tickets can also be obtained through other channels controlled by the Organising Committee: call centre, Official Games Agency, etc.
Since this challenge first began, the Jerez 2002 Organising Committee has opted for an accessible pricing policy for the World Equestrian Games, which will be held in Spain (Jerez) from 10 to 22 September 2002, with a view to helping ensure that this edition is the most economically successful in the history of the Games.
Popular prices
As a result of this sales philosophy, a full season ticket for Jerez 2002 will cost 310 euros, with partial season tickets available at 134 euros for the first week (11-15 September) and 176 euros for the second week (16-22 September).
Daily ticket holders will also be able to enjoy all the horse-riding disciplines held both at the Chapin site, in the Jerez town centre, and at Cortijo of Garrapilos, only 17 kilometres away.

WEG tickets on sale
In accordance with the official sales schedule, numbered season tickets have been on sale since last September.
Numbered tickets will be available from January 2002, although in the light of the evident demand, the Jerez 2002 organisers may bring this date forward.
Season tickets can be changed for the definitive tickets when the holders arrive in Jerez.
Just three months before the Games, in June 2002, the booking phase for non-numbered season tickets and tickets will begin, with box-office sales available from August onwards.
Ticket sales, together with sponsorship activities and the direct or indirect marketing of merchandising times and business space will be the main source of income of the Jerez 2002 Organising Committee to cover the Organisation's budget.

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