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horse Dog Daze Joins Horse Maze At Hampton Classic
By Diana De Rosa

horse Luitpold Shows it's Appreciation to the Dogs & Horses at 27th Hampton Classic
Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc., through its products Adequan® Canine and Adequan® i.m. (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan), were part of the 27th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show, held August 25-September 1, 2002 in Bridgehampton, NY. The dogs and their handlers and the horses and their owners, riders and trainers benefited from a potpourri of sponsorships including the first ever dog agility competition, a Riders Tent with free internet access and the chance to network with two of Hawaii's finest veterinarians.


horse Adequan® Canine sponsors the "Little Classic" - A Dog Agility Competition
The Hampton Classic's Grand Prix Arena was a daze of dogs on September 25 for Opening Day. In its second year of involvement, the Animal Health Division of Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. sponsored the first ever Dog Agility Competition. The Adequan® Canine "Little Classic" brought together all levels of dogs. The cheering of the crowd, the smiles on the faces of handlers and the excitement demonstrated by the dogs made it obvious that this new addition to the Hampton Classic would be around for a long time.

The dogs wore bandanas displaying the words Adequan® Canine, courtesy of Luitpold, as they maneuvered through tunnels, over miniature jumps, on balance beams and more. Scores were kept, winners noted and handlers thankful for the chance to compete and train their dogs in such a perfect competition setting.

Why dogs at the Hampton Classic? Go to any horse show and you'll see dogs everywhere. Horse people love dogs; and so do the makers of Adequan. Not only does Luitpold have Adequan i.m. for horses but it manufactures Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan), one of their premier products, for dogs. What better way to demonstrate that than in a dog agility competition.

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Adequan Sponsors Riders Tent & Provides Free Email Access
Knowing how busy riders, owners and trainers are, Luitpold added the Riders Tent to their sponsorship. It is here that owners, riders, and trainers got a ringside view
of the events happening in the Grand Prix Arena and where they could relax, enjoy some refreshments and gain access to their email thanks to Adequan.

It's all about Education

One major goal of Luitpold is to help educate the public, not only about their products and the diseases they help fight, but also about other problems horses have to deal with everyday. With this in mind, Luitpold made all the necessary arrangements to bring Drs. Michael Collier and Olin Balch to the Hampton Classic. They were available to the owners, riders, and trainers to answer their questions, offer suggestions and discuss their horse's health and well-being. Dr. Collier is Dean, College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management, and is Professor of Equine Surgery and Sports Medicine, University of Hawaii-Hilo. His work provided much of the groundbreaking research utilizing systemic therapies, such as Adequan i.m. (POLYSULFATED GYLCOSAMINOGLCYAN) to treat joint problems in the horse. Olin Balch, DVM, MS, Ph.D. is Affiliate Professor, Senior Scientist, and Project Director for the Institute for Animal Health and Nutrition, and provided a wonderful compliment to these question and answer forums.

Todd Minikus

Rain Forces Cancellation of $30,000 Adequan Grand Prix
Adequan was also scheduled to sponsor the $30,000 Adequan Grand Prix on Friday, August 30, but downpours that flooded the showgrounds the day before forced the cancellation of this class. However, the Adequan jump, with its signature green horse head, was included in many of the courses the riders negotiated throughout the week.

And so, Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. really did its homework. This company realizes that it isn't just about educating horsemen about their products, but being available to answer whatever questions they may have. And the comfort of those who know and use their products is of equal importance to them. The annual Hampton Classic is known for its maze of horses each year. Now thanks to Adequan it's a daze of dogs as well! This year the dogs and their handlers and the horses and their owners, riders and trainers benefited ten-fold from its sponsorship of the Hampton Classic. For more information visit their web site at

By Diana De Rosa
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