Participation In International Equestrian Events
CSI-A HAMBURG GERMANY 9-12 MAY 2002 Peter Charles with Sputnik,
Corrada and Mulligan, Jessica Kurten with Duke of Lando, Quebel,
Lanarius and Egano,
Denis Coakley with OBOS Quality 004, Dreampoint and Lanceston
Tel +49 4172 98 74 61, fax +49 4172 98 74 62.
CSI-A MUNICH GERMANY 9 - 12 MAY 2002 Denis Lynch with Luigy K, Gypsy
de Valle and Gauche de Leusum. Ciaran Howley with Leopold, Reguengos.
website http://www.scg-nl.nl/vervolg.ws
CSI-A WIESBADEN GERMANY 17-20 MAY 2002 - Peter Charles with Corrada
Mulligan, Sputnik, Jerome or Fakir de la Lande. Jessica Kurten with
Duke of
Lando, Quebel, Paavo and Egano.
Addition, 13th May:: Denis Coakley with Obos Quality 104 and Dreampoint.
EINDHOVEN GERMANY 9-12 MAY 2002 - Lt. David O'Brien with Boherdeal
Clover, Lismore Clover and Cruise Hill. Lt. Shane Carey with Shannon
Lismakin and Killossery. Dermott Lennon with Liscalgot, Ginger Watt
Naomi. website http://www.scg-nl.nl/vervolg.ws