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Really Big Coloring Books, Inc. ® and the State Horse Councils Alliance, LLC. present The Great American Horse Book “A Children’s Guide to Horse’s” in English and Espanol

(Some members include: The American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), The Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana Horse Council Foundation and Success Planning Associates)

An official Teaching and Learning Tool for children pre-K to grade 6 for the equine industry.

A fantastic item in gift shops, tack shops, race tracks, and by the horse industry at large to raise awareness about horse to the public at large.

Mission of the State Horse Councils Alliance (a non profit alliance of state horse councils made up of breed associations, breed registries, foundations and other equine related organizations) is the promotion of the horse and horse related activities with an emphasis on youth, accomplished primarily through the production and distribution of educational tools. For more information about the State Horse Councils Alliance. LLC email:

Click on the link below to view the book: “The Great American Horse Book” is a children’s guide to horses. This title is bilingual in English and Spanish. The horse book explains the history of the horse, the many breeds including physical characteristics of a horse, horse grooming and how to care for a horse. The abundant information introduces children to horses. This book is used by the horse industry nationwide as an introduction to horses for children.

Now available for groups, clubs, organizations and the educational institutions as a resource for teaching and a resource for raising funds.

This is what the equine industry and others are saying about the great new best selling children’s book:

“The Great American Horse Book” with all its valuable information has allowed children to learn about horses in a fun and educational setting. The artwork grasps and holds the readers’ attention like no other project we have participated in to date. This bilingual book has allowed our organization to distribute educational information on a topic that is of interest to children, parents and educators.”

Jerry C. Walker, the State Horse Councils Alliance

“My eyes glowed when I saw the book. What horse lover wouldn’t enjoy it? It’s not only a fun coloring book, but a great way to teach children about horses. From parts of the horse to their history, it covers all of the basics for beginning a child’s exploration in the world of horses.”

Crista Morris, Director of Youth Programs, American Quarter Horse Association

“The coloring books are very big hits for not only kids but non-profit organizations. Kids absolutely love them!

Dave Simons, Visionaries Program, Charter Cable Communications

“Bell comes up with the concepts for the books, works with organizations to develop the storyline. All of the books are intended to be educational and many tie in with fund-raising events.”

Ron Jenecke, Executive Editor, St. Louis Business Journal

“Really Big Coloring Books ® are read by kids around the world, Wayne’s books are entertaining and educational. Despite the age of high tech, coloring is one thing that has not gone by the wayside.

Kelly Jackson, Anchor, NBC KSDK Channel 5, St. Louis, MO

The Great American Horse Book “ A Childrens Guide to Horses”

ISBN # 0-9753-0-6972 bilingual in English and Espanol

Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Data Publication 1. Family 2. Educational

Recognized by Teachers, Educators and State Departments of Education throughout the nation,

the book has been designed as an excellent educational source to introduce and educate youth on horses and the horse industry.

The mission of the big books is to educate and get youth involved and excited about horses


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