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BHS Access Week 2002 - highlighting the need for safer off road riding

Plans are in hand to mark the British Horse Society's JUBILEE ACCESS Week -
25 May-4 June. The week will concentrate on the BHS presenting awards to
local authorities, landowners and individuals who have all addressed the
needs of riders for equestrian access.

The aim of BHS Access Week is to highlight the need for more off road riding
for horse riders and carriage drivers. Today's roads are too busy, and
today's drivers too impatient, to enable riders to use the roads safely.
There are an estimated 3000 accidents involving horses on the roads every
year, and the BHS is campaigning for measures to reduce that number.

This year there will be thirteen "Route Creation Awards" to landowners who
have set up safer riding opportunities, bridleways or new trails. Also being
awarded are thirteen "Good Guy Awards", a "Local Plan Award", and one
"Historic Routes Award" made to individuals or local authorities who have
consistently worked to open up bridleways and provide more equestrian

In each case the Awards will be presented locally by the local BHS County
Access and Bridleways Officer, or the BHS County Chairman.

In presenting these awards the BHS are showing their appreciation of those
who have worked hard to provide more off road riding, and at the same time
encourage others to follow their example.

Press enquiries to Nichola Gregory, BHS Press Officer 08701 208880 <>

A list of awards follows



Railtrack Route Creation
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council Route Creation
Undertook extra work and provided funding to change specification to
make a bridge safe for horse riders
Presented by: Mrs Muriel Allan 01207 270305
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Kathy Atkinson BHS Access Officer 0191 267 4368
Date: 27 or 28 May

South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council Route Creation
Creation of fenced and suitably surfaced bridleway
Presented by: Barbara Crozier CABO Durham 01207 583429
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Kathy Atkinson BHS Access Officer 0191 267 4368

Peter Collins, National Trust Warden Route Creation
The Leas and Whitburn Coastal Park, Sunderland
Allowing access to horseriders to land at the Leas and
Whitburn Coastal Park.
Presented by: Barbara Crozier CABO Durham 01207 583429
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Kathy Atkinson BHS Access Officer 0191 267 4368
Date: 30 May


Ian Kendall. Countryside Officer Good Guys
Calderdale Council Countryside Unit
For creating a safe bridleway across Norland Moor, Sowerby Bridge,
Nr Halifax
Presented by: Susan Taylor Moorlands Riding Group 01422 823677
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Elaine Greenwood Moorlands Riding Group
01422 375706
Date: tbc


Blackpool Borough Council Route Creation
For creating new access opportunities for equestrians by
creating riding routes on council land in North East Blackpool and an
equestrian route as part of a planning permission implementation in East
Presented by: Mike Sullivan Regional Chairman 01772 865680 or
Rosemary Hogarth 01253 810068
Presented to: TBC
Contact: Rosemary Hogarth BHS Lancashire 01253 810068
Date: 29 May

Macclesfield Joint Highways Team Good Guys
Cheshire County Council
Prompt response to a request for Horse and Rider signs at Newton
Hall Lane/Burleyhurst Lane, Mobberley
Presented by: Dianne Hall Cheshire CABO 01829 760348
Presented to: TBC
Contact: Norma and Roy Barker 01565 872739
Date: tbc

Tarja Wilson, Lancashire County Council Route Creation
For overcoming major obstacles in providing a route for riders to
gain access to the Lune Millennium Cycleway in Hornby, an important link for
riders in Lancashire
Presented by: High Sherrif of Lancaster
Presented to: Tarja Wilson
Contact: John Beck BHS access Officer 01524 781335
Date: 27 May 2pm Bull Beck Car Park in Caton, near Lancaster.

Richard Taylor, Countryside Services Good Guys
Derbyshire County Council
Clearing overgrown bridleway in Elmton Lane, Bolsover for safe use
by horseriders
Presented by: Ann Lane /Vicky Allen 01332 873881/01457 854158
Presented to: Richard Taylor
Contact: Margaret Hewitt Safe Off Road Riding
Date: tbc

Worcestershire Bridleways and Riders Association Route Creation
Researched and set up first toll rides in Worcestershire
Lord Sandy's of Ombersley Good Guys
Landowner who agreed to set up first toll rides
Philip Sanders of Hadley, Nr Ombersley Good Guys
Landowner who agreed to set up first toll rides
Presented by: Donn Collins BHS County Chairman 01386 834109
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Trish Williams Worcs and Dist Riding Club
01905 757210
Date: 25 May

Norfolk County Council Good Guys
For work on the Fens Access Project which, by upgrading existing
paths and creating new links will provide over 37 miles of riding route,
adding to the BHS H7 route Peterborough to Peddars Way.
Presented by: David Hunter
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Stephanie Howard CABO Norfolk 01379 608016
Date: 26 May 4pm Winners Enclosure Fakenham Races

Ian MacNicol Route Creation
For creating 15 miles of permissive bridleways in Norfolk at Stody
Lodge, Melton Constable. As Chairman of the CLA in Norfolk, Mr MacNicol's
award recognises the work of all the landowners in the county.
Presented by: David Hunter
Presented to: Ross Haddow, farm manager.
Contact: Stephanie Howard CABO Norfolk 01379 608016
Date: 26 May 4pm Winners Enclosure Fakenham Races

Mildenhall Internal Drainage Board, Suffolk Good Guys
Courteous, positive and prompt co-operation which allowed continued
use of many miles of safe and pleasant bridleway riding
Presented by: Viv Hoy CABO Suffolk 01473 658405 tbc
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Jan Phillips and John Dawes 01842 860691

Nigel Dyson, Colchester, Essex Good Guys
Robert Bunting, Kelvedon, Essex Good Guys
Establishing Anglian Farm Rides, securing over 200 miles of 3 metre
wide farm rides
Presented by: Dr Phil Wadey 08707 425379 tbc
Presented to: Nigel Dyson and Robert Bunting
Contact: David Heather 01206 210975
Date: tbc

Cambridgeshire County Council Route Creation
Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd Route Creation
Joint creation agreement for 1.9km of public bridleway in the
parishes of Holywell-cum-Needingworth and Bluntisham, Huntingdon,
Presented by: Sue Jeggo BHS Access Officer Cambridgeshire
Presented to:
Contact: Sue Jeggo CABO Cambs 01954 718909
Date: 29 May at Hollywell-cum-Needingworth & Buntisham

East Hertfordshire District Council Local Plan Gold Award
East Hertfordshire's local plan showed a
marked recognition of the role of the horse within the District
and creates planning policy which will
encourage developers to be sympathetic to the needs of equestrians. The plan
embraces the Society's National Bridleroute Network
Presented by: Dr Phil Wadey 08707 425379
Presented to: East Hertfordshire District Council Cllr Duncan Peek
Contact: Dr Phil Wadey 08707 425379
Date 3pm 29 May East Hertfordshire Council Offices, Pegs Lane, HERTFORD


London Borough of Southwark Historic Routes
The Borough council has resurfaced the Historic riding Circuit
in Dulwich Park
Presented by: Mrs C Aldridge , County Chairman
Presented to: London Borough of Southwark
Contact: Mrs Joyce Bellamy 0208 689 4197


Runnymede Borough Council, Surrey Route Creation
Creation of three new routes in local parks and open spaces, Gogmore
Farm Park, Bourn Meadow Park & Homewood Park, providing valuable off road
links for local horse riders in an area where off road riding routes are
very limited
Presented by: Mrs Anne Sheppard Runnymede Riders
Presented to:
Contact: Anne Sheppard Runnymede Riders 01932 567713

Peter Rosevear, Engineer for Kent County Council Good Guys
Peter Rosevear led the team that designed the bridge being built
where the fast busy dual carriageway of the A249 crosses the Pilgrims Way
and bisects the village of Detling in Kent. The bridge will enable the
historic Pilgrims Way to
Presented by: Sue Quarendon
Presented to: Peter Rosevear
Contact: Sue Quarendon 01622 861788
Date: May 2002

Havant Borough Council Route Creation
Creation of circular riding route at Broadmarsh. Also for creating a
permitted horse track which links in to an existing bridleway to provide a
wonderful network
Presented by: tbc
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Sue Montila Hants & West Sussex Borders Bridleways Group
02392 455685 or 0776 1760021
Date: 1 June

Cornwall County Council Chris Heriades Good Guys
For his great support in achieving creation of a horse friendly
route as part of Cornwall County Council's Mineral Tramways Project. He
enabled local riders to gain safer access and to resolve longstanding
Presented by: Jane Combes BHS CABO 01637 879088
Presented to: Chris Heriades
Contact: Jenny Johns Mid Cornwall Bridleways Association
01209 821593
Date: Royal Cornwall Show (7-9 June)

Cornwall County Council Kath Statham Good Guys
Mrs Statham's untiring support and superb negotiating skills are
deeply appreciated by equestrian users of the Mineral Tramways Project.
Presented by: Jane Combes BHS CABO 01637 879088
Presented to: Kath Statham
Contact: Jenny Johns Mid Cornwall Bridleways Association
01209 821593
Date: Royal Cornwall Show (7-9 June)

Mr J Gott Good Guys
Mr Gott has given a great deal of time and energy to tackling a task
that Cornwall County Council has pondered over for many years. By
reinstating the boggy bridleway No 30 which had only been usable during a
few dry weeks in the summer, he has enabled riders to use links to several
off road rides.
Presented by: Jane Combes BHS CABO 01637 879088
Presented to: Mr J Gott
Contact: Mrs D Marles Crowan & District Bridleways Assoc 01209 715069
Date: Royal Cornwall Show (7-9 June)

South Gloucester Unitary Authority Route Creation
A new bridleway was created alongside a new stretch of the Avon ring
road (A4174) as part of the overall plan. It is almost 2 km long surfaced
with stone and stonedust and is landscaped along most of the route
Presented by: Ann Fay BHS Access Officer South Gloucestershire
Presented to: tbc
Contact: Ann Fay 01454 774243
Date: 28 May, 11am at the Bridge Inn, Shortwood.


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